AB 프렙 만화애니메이션 전문 유학학원

Anibugs prep is an animation institute that prepares students to be accepted to top animation schools in USA and Canada.

Our instructors are from top animation school and we are helping our students to make strong portfolios. We had scholarship students from Savannah College of Art and Design and Laguna College of Art and Design. Also, we had a student who got accepted from Centennial College’s 3D Animation program. We will do our best to help students to get accepted to top animation schools.

We have been transfusing for young and talented people from animation industry or schools.

Our instructors who had various program such as Calarts’ Character Animation, Sheridan College’s Animation, Savannah College of Art and Design’ Animation, Art Center College of Design’s Entertainment Design and The University of Art’s fine Art are trying to level our student’s portfolios better.

In addition to Anibugs prep,  There is Seoul School of Animation( S.S.O.A). The program is an  independent  class for animation training where a professor from a former Hollywood animator is directly teaching an advanced animation class for helping  getting a job for domestic and overseas animation industry as well as we are teaching short animation for study abroad.

주환쌤의 미스터리한 인체/애니/연출 강좌

Sheridan College 출신 애니벅스 프렙 이주환 강사가 쉽고 재밌게 알려주는 드로잉 노하우

이주환 강사의 더많은 강좌를 확인하세요!

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평일 01:00pm ~ 10:00pm (전화 및 온라인문의)

토요일 10:00am ~ 6:00pm